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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Below we inform you in a transparent manner about the operation on this website (hereinafter “Site”) of the so-called cookies.

Cookies are short fragments of text (letters and/or numbers) that allow the web server to store information on the client (the browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera…) to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, based on user preferences, by the individual browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Similar technologies, such as, for example, web beacons, transparent GIFs and all forms of local storage introduced with HTML5 can be used to collect information on user behavior and use of services.

A cookie cannot recall any other data from the user’s hard disk nor transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s web browser. Some of the functions of cookies can be delegated to other technologies. The term ‘cookies’ refers to cookies and all similar technologies.

Based on the characteristics and use of cookies, various types of cookies can be distinguished:

Strictly necessary technical cookies. These are cookies that are essential for the correct functioning of a website and are used to manage various services linked to websites (such as a login or access to reserved functions on the sites). The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the work session or they can use a longer residence time in order to remember the visitor’s choices. Deactivating strictly necessary cookies may compromise the experience of using and browsing the website.
Analysis and performance cookies. They are cookies used to collect and analyze traffic and use of a website anonymously. These cookies, without identifying the user, allow, for example, to detect if the same user returns to connect at different times. They also allow you to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. The deactivation of these cookies can be performed without any loss of functionality and will be discussed in detail later.

Profiling cookies (not operational on this Site). These are permanent cookies used to identify (anonymously or otherwise) the user’s preferences and improve their browsing experience. For more information on these cookies not used by the Website, we invite you to visit the appropriate section on the website www. garanteprivacy.it/cookie

Purpose of processing and purposes of technical session cookies

The cookies used on the Site have the exclusive purpose of performing computer authentication or monitoring sessions and storing specific technical information regarding users who access the servers of the Data Controller who manages the Site. In this perspective, some operations on the Site could not be carried out without the use of cookies, which in such cases are therefore technically necessary. By way of example, access to any reserved areas of the Site and the activities that can be carried out there would be much more complex to carry out and less secure without the presence of cookies that allow the user to be identified and maintained within the context. of the session.

Pursuant to article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the formulation in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 69/2012) “technical” cookies can be used even in the absence of the consent of the ‘interested. Among other things, the same European body that brings together all the privacy authorities of the various Member States (the so-called “Article 29” Group) clarified in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled “Exemption from consent for the use of cookies” which are cookies for which it is not necessary to acquire the user’s prior and informed consent: cookies with data filled in by the user (session identifier), for the duration of a session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases ;

  • authentication cookies, used for the purposes of authenticated services, for the duration of a session;
  • user-centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuse, for a limited persistent duration;
  • session cookies for multimedia players, such as cookies for “flash” players, lasting one session;
  • session cookies for load balancing, lasting one session;
  • cookies for persistent for customizing the user interface, lasting a session (or little more);
  • cookies for sharing content through third-party social plug-ins, for members of a social network who are logged in.

The Data Controller therefore informs that only technical cookies (such as those listed above) are operational on the Site, which are necessary to navigate within the Site as they allow essential functions such as authentication, validation, management of a browsing session and fraud prevention. and allow for example: to identify whether the user has regularly accessed the areas of the site that require prior authentication or the validation of the user and the management of sessions relating to the various services and applications or the storage of data for access in secure mode or the fraud control and prevention functions.

For maximum transparency, a series of technical cookies and cases of specific operation on the Site are listed below:

  • cookies implanted directly in the user/contractor’s terminal (which will not be used for further purposes) such as session cookies used to “fill the cart” in online reservations on the Site, authentication cookies, content cookies multimedia devices such as flash players that do not exceed the duration of the session, personalization cookies (for example, for choosing the navigation language, recalling complete IDs and passwords by typing the first characters, etc);
  • the cookies used to statistically analyze accesses/visits to the site (so-called “analytics” cookies) which pursue exclusively statistical purposes (and not profiling or marketing) and collect information in aggregate form without the possibility of tracing identification of the individual user. In these cases, since the current legislation requires that for analytics cookies the interested party be provided with a clear and adequate indication of the simple ways to oppose (opt-out) their installation (including any mechanisms for anonymization of the cookies themselves) , we specify that it is possible to deactivate analytics cookies as follows: open your browser, select the settings menu, click on the internet options, open the privacy tab and choose the desired level of cookie blocking. If you want to delete cookies already saved in memory, simply open the security tab and delete the history by ticking the “delete cookies” box.

Third-party cookies

By visiting a website you can receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”) who may reside in Italy or abroad.

An example present in most websites is represented by the presence of YouTube videos, Google API, use of Google Maps, and the use of “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. These are parts of the visited page generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on social networks in order to increase the visitor’s user experience.

The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites operated by third parties. The management of information collected by “third parties” is governed by the relevant information to which please refer. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the web addresses of the various information and methods for managing cookies are reported below, specifying that the Data Controller has no responsibility for the operation of third-party cookies on this Site.

  • Analytics cookies
  • The Site uses the Google Analytics service but intervention is envisaged to make the IPs anonymous with the tools offered by Google. See Google’s cookie information for Google Analytics at the following link http://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage and explore the method with which Google – a third party – uses the data of its users at the link https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245.
    As clarified by the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor on cookies of 8 May 2014, analytics cookies are assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and on how they visit the site itself: these are exactly the functions and purposes of the processing on this Site.

    You can still opt-out by visiting the website http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en by running opt-out, it is also possible to deny consent and block third-party cookies via plugins for browsers, searching on Google for “blocking and deleting third-party cookies” there are many guides that differ depending on the operating system and browser used .
  • Responsibility for the operation of Third Party Cookies
  • In this matter, reference is made to the provisions of the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor on cookies of 8 May 2014: “There are multiple reasons why it is not possible to place the obligation on the publisher to provide the information and acquire consent to the installation of cookies on your site including those installed by “third parties”. First of all, the publisher should always have the tools and the economic-legal capacity to take charge of the obligations of third parties and should therefore also be able to verify from time to time the correspondence between what is declared by the third parties and their actual purposes. pursued with the use of cookies. This is made very difficult by the fact that the publisher often does not directly know all the third parties that install cookies via their site and, therefore, not even the logic underlying the related processing. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for subjects who act as dealers to intervene between the publisher and third parties, making it very complex for the publisher to control the activities of all the subjects involved. Third-party cookies could then be modified by third-party suppliers over time and it would be impractical to ask publishers to also keep track of these subsequent modifications.”

    As indicated by the Privacy Guarantor, this Site does not has the possibility to control third-party cookies if it uses third-party services (YouTube, Google Maps, “social buttons”) for which third parties are exclusively responsible. Furthermore, we point out the possibility for the user to delete and block the operation of cookies at any time also using plugins for the browser and by changing the settings as indicated in the various manuals contained in the browsers.
  • Mandatory or optional consent for the operation of cookies that do not pursue marketing purposes
  • It is not mandatory to acquire consent for the operation of only technical or third-party or analytical cookies assimilated to technical cookies. Their deactivation and/or denial of their operation will make it impossible to navigate correctly on the Site and/or the impossibility of using the services, pages, features or contents available therein.
  • Data Controller and Data Processors
  • The identification details of the company as Data Controller of the interested party’s data are as follows:
  • Massimiliano Laudati, Nowogrodzka, 31 00-511 Warsaw – VAT number: PL5252679264
  • The updated list of data controllers (if appointed) is available at the headquarters of the aforementioned company.
  • Exercise of rights by the interested party
  • With particular reference to user rights regarding cookies, some links are provided below for further information:

    AboutCookies.org: for further information on cookies and how they influence the browsing experience . Youronlinechoices.com: for a broad view of cookies, best practices and the use of targeted advertising through the use of cookies. The Cookies section on www.garanteprivacy.it/cookie to learn about the best practices provided by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

    It will be possible at any time – without any formalities – exercise the rights referred to in the art. 7 of the Privacy Code (also using the appropriate application form made available by the Guarantor on www. garanteprivacy.it), which for your convenience is reported in full below. The exercise of rights is not subject to any formal constraints.


    Art. 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights)

    1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.
    2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:
    1. of the origin of the personal data;of the purposes and methods of processing;of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;the identification details of the owner, managers and representative designated pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2;of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them in their capacity as designated representatives in the territory of the State, managers or agents.
    3. The interested party has the right to obtain:
    1. updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; the certification that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which such fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
    4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:
    1. for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
    2. to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purposes of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.